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Blue Cheese What Does Blue Cheese Taste Like

Bleu cheese or blue cheese is a category of cheeses that contain spots or stripes of the mold Penicillium. Gorgonzola is a specific type of blue cheese, produced in Northern Italy. While both are extensively used in cooking and with wine and food, gorgonzola has a unique taste and appearance.

Comparison chart

Bleu Cheese versus Gorgonzola comparison chart
Edit this comparison chart Bleu Cheese Gorgonzola
Taste Sharp and salty, with a strong smell. Crumbly and salty.
Appearance Cheese spotted or striped with blue, blue-grey or blue-green mold. Green-blue marbling of mold through white cheese.
Made from Cow's, sheep's or goat's milk and Penicillium glaucum mold. Unskimmed cow's or goat's milk and Penicillium glaucum mold.
Production Injected with mold Penicillium glaucum and aged for several months in a temperature-controlled environment. Penicillium glaucum mold added. Aged in a cave for 3-4 months, with metal rods inserted and removed periodically to allow for mold spores to grow into veins.
Nutrition 1 ounce (28g) of bleu cheese contains 100 calories, 8.1g of fat, 395mg of sodium, 0.7g of carbohydrate and 6.06g of protein. It also contains 5.3g of saturated fat. 1 ounce (28 g) of gorgonzola contains 100 calories, 9g of fat, 375mg of sodium, 1g of carbohydrate and 6g of protein. It contains 5.3g saturated fat.
Calories per ounce 100 100
History Discovered by accident in the early middle ages. First produced in Italian town Gorgonzola in 879 AD.
Culinary Uses Eaten on its own or melted or crumbled over food. May be melted into a risotto, served with pasta or as a pizza topping.


Bleu Cheese is spotted with a blue, blue-grey or blue-green mold that gives it a distinctive appearance. Gorgonzola is a type of bleu cheese where blue-green veins run throughout the cheese.

Bleu Cheese


Bleu Cheese





Bleu cheese has a sharp and salty taste with a strong smell.

Gorgonzola is very crumbly and salty and may be either soft or firm.


Historians believe the bleu cheese was discovered by accident, as cheese was aged in caves that were favorable to various forms of mold. One of the most famous forms of bleu cheese, Roquefort, was invented in 1070 AD, while Stilton was discovered in the 18th century.

Gorgonzola has been produced in the Italian town of Gorgonzola since 879 AD. The green-blue marbling effect was added in the 11th century. It is now produced in the northern Italian regions of Piedmont and Lombardy.


Bleu cheese is made from Penicillium glaucum mold and many different types of milk, including cow's milk, sheep's and goat's milk. Bleu cheese is injected with Penicilliuem glaucum mold and aged for several months in a temperature-controlled environment, such as a cave.

Gorgonzola is made from unskimmed cow's or goat's milk. Penicillium glaucum mold is added to create the blue green veins in the cheese. In creating gorgonzola, starting bacteria is added to milk, along with Penicillium glaucum mold . It is aged in a cave for 3-4 months, with metal rods inserted and removed periodically to allow for mold spores to grow into veins.

Is it safe to eat the Mold in Bleu Cheese?

Yes, the mold in the Bleu Cheese is perfectly safe to eat.

Molds that produce mycotoxins and aflatoxins are considered toxic. Whereas Penicillium glaucum, the mold present in bleu cheese, does not contain these toxics. The environment created by Penicillium glaucum mold based on mositure, temperature, density, acidity etc. does not allow for the production of these toxins.This is the reason it is considered safe to eat the mold in bleu cheese. [1]

Nutritional Information

Bleu Cheese (1 ounce,28g) Gorgonzola (1 ounce,28g)
Calories 100 100
Fat 8.1g 9g
Sodium 395mg 375mg
Carbohydrate 0.7g 1g
Protein 6.06g 6g
Saturated Fat 5.3g 5.3g

Culinary Uses

Bleu cheese can be eaten on its own or crumbled or melted over other foods. It can be eaten on burgers or included in a blue cheese salad.

Gorgonzola is typically eaten as a topping. It can be melted into a risotto, eaten with pasta or used on pizza. The Bergamo region of Italy has a traditional dish that combines Gorgonzola with polenta.

Cheese Image Gallery

Bleu or Blue cheese?

Although the more French-sounding "blue cheese" became popular in America a few decades ago, the original name for this cheese in English is "blue cheese". Today "blue cheese" is more common in British English and "bleu cheese" is sometimes used in the U.S.[2]


Depending on the age, weight and brand, the price of Bleu Cheese ranges anywhere from $5-$90+. Gorgonzola is available at a price of $6-$200+.

Current prices for Gorgonzola and Bleu cheese are available on

  • Bleu Cheese on
  • Gorgonzola cheese on


  • Bleu Cheese - Wikipedia
  • Gorgonzola - Wikipedia
  • Why is it safe to eat the mold in blue cheese? - Quora
  • Gorgonzola and Bleu cheese - nutrition info
  • Bleu cheese - Food Network
  • Gorgonzola cheese - product information
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"Bleu Cheese vs Gorgonzola." Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 18 Jul 2022. < >


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